How to Write a College Essay When Your Life Is Boring

How to Write a College Essay When Your Life Is Boring

Posted on 15/10/2022 by | 0 comments

Seems that your life is humdrum and you’ve got nothing to type about in your essay for college?

If life’s boredom and monotony are the only two things that have survived in your college dorm room or wherever you are now, no wonder that you’ve come here googling “how to write a college essay if my life is boring”.

Don’t worry. You’re not alone with this pain. Half of the students start feeling bored out of their minds already from school.

We’ll help you tackle this problem and give you some valuable academic writing tips. This ultimate guide is packed with actual working ideas on how to type a good college essay, if your life is as boring as ever and nothing new is happening every day.

College Essay Writing Ideas for Students Trapped in a Mundane Lifestyle

What to write about in your essay, if nothing interesting has ever happened to you?

Let’s face the facts. Your professor isn’t expecting you to have landed on Mars or won a Pulitzer Prize so that now you could tell about your exciting experience. Nobody anticipates the description of unthinkable actions or achievements. The top priority is your writing skill.

College homework often presupposes tons of essays. That’s another fact. Whether it’s a narrative, descriptive, or creative essay, if you’ve got a carte blanche in choosing the topic, here’s what you can write about in your college paper:

  • Teeny-tiny detail from your childhood (the earliest childhood memory; how you met your best friend; your favorite toy or hideaway; and so on)
  • Your parents and/or your relationships with them
  • Your feelings (how you feel at the moment; how you felt when entering a college or reading a particular book; depict the happiest/saddest moment in your life, etc.)
  • Your stronger and weaker traits
  • Something very special to you
  • One of your favorites from books, movies, songs, foods, countries, etc.

Additionally, follow some pieces of advice on how to write a college essay when your life is boring.

5 Must-Try Tips to Write a College Essay If Your Life Is Dull

Use the below strategies for writing a college paper and do your assignment like a pro, even if your days look too colorless and dreary to boast of.

  • Brainstorm the events from your life

Ask your relatives or use old photographs to fish out a personal anecdote that you can share in your essay. No way that you missed out on such mundane events like your first day at school/college or an injury/disease.

Don’t be afraid to show vulnerability and do an essay for college featuring one of your weaknesses. Be honest and open in your narration.

  • Get inspiration from the outdoors

How about getting inspired by nature? As a matter of fact, weather can define your essay mood. No matter what season it is, you can go outside and enjoy the moments describing them later in your paper.

  • Follow the X-words per day rule

Is there a possibility that it isn’t your life (full of stale and uninteresting events, according to you) but rather your psychological condition of being bored to death with everything?

Then it’s time to force yourself to write your hw assignment, even when it feels like you cannot do anything at all. The rule of X words a day is your golden key to unlock your potential and type as many words as you need for your college essay. Start small with only 50 words per day.

  • Spell out your challenges

What was the greatest struggle or the most challenging task in your life?

Answer this question and try to establish a conflict in the story. Challenges and struggles, as well as methods to overcome them, excite people the most, as they fuel connection and interest. Create a conflicting situation and let your professor get excited from reading the best college essay ever written.

  • Go all geeky and creative

Why not write an essay about your boredom itself?

It could be an imaginative tale about how your monotonous days slide by and you swipe them like some prosaic and uninspiring TikTok videos hurrying to get something really catchy and fascinating in front of your eyes.

That’s only one example and some bits of paper writing help for you on how to transform your writing into something unique and unusual. There are millions of ways to write essays creatively.

If nothing from the above works for you, scroll down to the bonus tip.

Let Professionals Turn Your Essay From Boring to Thrilling

So, you lead a rather stodgy life as a college student but want to craft an essay that will stand out and won’t lull your teacher into a sleepy coma?

Just give us a sign, typing in chat “write my college essay for me”, and let a professional paper writer do the job impeccably for you.

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